Optimum Campaign — We were asked to create a new campaign for Optimum which involved updating and expanding upon their limited illustration library. The first wave of spots merge flat animation with live action. We created, animated, and composited the characters and graphics, and directed the live action shoot. We also designed and animated endtags for their greater toolkit.
Role: Concept development, art direction, character and storyboard design.
Made at HunterGatherer.

Initial Optimum character exploration

R1 hero character: “Superheroine”

R1 hero character: “Viking”

R2 hero characters: “Magician” & “King Papi”

Van Endtag

As a follow-up, we were commissioned to refresh the look, feel, and movement of Optimum’s fully animated world for a series of DRTV spots.

Role: Concept development, art direction, character and storyboard design, partial animation.
Made at HunterGatherer.

Frames from our winter-sport themed DRTV spot “Slippery Slope”

Frames from our safari themed DRTV spot “Speed”

Frames from our rock & roll themed DRTV spot “More Better”

“O” Endtag, still in use across current campaigns

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© K. Mias 2021